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What remains of the plane ⁧Emirates

After being a subsidiary of Emirates airline plane crash-landed Wednesday at Dubai airport led to the burning dramatically, carrying 275 cabin crew boarded and there are several points should stop then.

1. crew plane Emirates stricken done to evacuate the plane rubber Palmzlaqat in the plane and make them swollen, which is what usually happens in cases of emergency to allow those on board to get out of them, in just 40 seconds and less than the time supposed to be where the plane abandon and is 90 second and rescued the lives of all the passengers (ie save 7 passengers per second) and this is due to the extent of Emirates airline efficiency in the training of cadres and crews at the highest level.

2. Dubai airport equipment and dealing with the fire immediately and effectively through a well-trained personnel and modern equipment able to handle a record pace, and the existence of alternative plans to transform how the massive movement on the Dubai airport until the completion of the deal with the burning plane, open the airport again after a very few hours close it after the end of all the obstacles and raise the plane very quickly.

3. joint rapid and effective cooperation between those inside and those who are outside the plane. In addition to the confidence of the traveling on the plane in the crew and obey the instructions which McCann his impact on the exit of all unharmed, also cooperation largely through the instructions and not to wrestle with each other than obey orders and giving orders but it was the ultimate goal and the joint evacuate the passengers safely and save the plane as much as possible


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