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The fuel system of boeing 737 NG

fuel system
fuel system
The fuel system of boeing 737 NG has these primary purposes:
* Stores fuel for use by engines and APU
* Supplies fuel to engines
* Supplies fuel to APU.
The fuel system has these subsystems:
* Fuel storage
* Pressure fueling
* Engine fuel feed
* APU fuel feed
* Defuel
* Fuel quantity indicating system
* Fuel temperature indication.

The fuel tanks store fuel for use by the engines and the APU.
The pressure fueling system lets you add fuel to each tank. The
Fueling station is on the right wing. You also do defueling and
Fuel transfer at the fueling station.
Each main tank has two boost pumps (fuel pumps). The center
Tank also has two boost pumps. The center tank boost pumps
Supply fuel at a higher pressure than the pumps in the main
Tanks. Because of this, the fuel in the center tank is used before
The fuel in the main tanks.
These tanks store fuel:
* Main tank 1
* Main tank 2
* Center tank.

The surge tanks collect fuel overflow only.
The main tanks are in the wings. Main tank 1 is in the left wing.
Main tank 2 is in the right wing. The center tank is in the
Fuselage and the inboard section of each wing.

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