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Airbus sells her company to American company


Airbus giant in the space industry decided to sell her company to produce electronic equipment for defensive purposes to the American investment company "KKR" in a deal worth 1.1 billion Euros (856 million pounds).

European company said that the deal will appear in final form in the first quarter of 2017, noting that it may retain a minority stake out.
He sold the company's president, Bernard Geroyrt, that the unit "will see a strong development" under the KKR management.

Airbus is working on getting rid of many of its branches to focus on the activity of the missile defense industry and military aircraft and space vehicles and satellites.

European company hopes generally in the disposal of assets with total annual revenues of nearly 2 billion Euros.

And it works in the defense electronics unit 4 thousands of people around the world and has annual revenues of almost one billion Euros.
Unity is part of the arm of Airbus Industries Defense and Space.

The company operates in the field of military industry sensors electronic warfare and avionics electronics and fiber optics.

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