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The most horrible crashes of "Boeing 737" planes

The most horrible disasters "Boeing 737" planes:

We offer you image the most egregious incidents of "Boeing 737" planes from the beginning of the third millennium, and even the United Arab Emirates plane that was flying from Dubai to the city of Rostov-on-Don bordering southern Russia crashed.
On the 19th of March 2016 a plane crashed a Boeing 737 belonging to the company "flydubai" while trying to land a second time at an airport in the city of Rstov overlooking the River Don in southern Russia, killing all on board, including 62 crew members were killed.
On the 7th of May 2002 a plane crashed Boeing 737-500 belonging Egyptian airline while landing and crashed into the foot of a mountain at a distance of six kilometers from the "Carthage" airport located in Tunisia, carrying 56 passengers, in addition to its crew of 6 people, and killing 30 of them were killed.

On the first day of March 2003 a plane crashed 737 affiliated Algerian Airways after take-off from Tamanrasset airport in Algeria, and received 102 of the passengers were killed and survived only one passenger.

On the 8th of July 2003 a Boeing 737 crashed in southern Sudan and met with 117 people on board were killed, and survived a baby at the age of two years, and is the largest in the history of Sudan this disaster.

On 16 January 2004 it crashed a Boeing 737 belonging to the lines of the Egyptian "Fresh Air Lines' own three minutes after taking off from Sharm el-Sheikh airport, carrying 148 people were killed all of them.

On 3 February 2005 from the Boeing plane crashed near the Afghan capital Kabul, an Afghan private lines (Kam Airlines) and killing all its passengers totaling 96 people were killed, in addition to its crew of eight members.

On 14 August 2005 a Boeing subsidiary of Ilios private Greek airline crashed, killing all on board and 115 people were killed, in addition to its crew of six members.

On 3 August 2005 from the crashed Boeing aircraft belonging to Peru's own lines (TANS) near the city of Pucallpa Airport (Peru) and received 48 out of 100 passengers were on board the plane were killed.

On 5th of September 2005 it crashed a Boeing 737-200 aircraft from an Air Indonesian mandala airlines, on the Indonesian island of Sumatra neighborhoods Square and met with 111 passengers on board were killed, along with 50 other people fell on them plane.

October 22, 2005 crashed a Boeing 737 belonging to the Nigerian airline Bellview own company in Lagos area in Nigeria, killing 117 people on board were killed.

On the 29th of September / September 2006 a Boeing 737-800 crashed in the Amazon region in Brazil after colliding in mid-air plane "Jet" private and killing 155 people on board were killed.

In 2006 it crashed Boeing 737 belonging to the private Nigerian airline, and killing 104 passengers were killed, and six passengers survived.


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