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Hydraulic System

There are three independent hydraulic systems that supply
hydraulic power for user systems.
The main and auxiliary hydraulic systems supply pressurized
fluid to these airplane systems:
* Both thrust reversers
* Power transfer unit (PTU) motor
* Landing gear extension and retraction
* Nose wheel steering
* Main gear brakes
* Primary flight controls
* Secondary flight controls.
These systems make up the hydraulic power system:
* Main hydraulic systems
* Ground servicing system
* Auxiliary hydraulic systems
* Hydraulic indicating systems.
Main Hydraulic Systems
The main hydraulic systems are A and B. System A has most of
its components on the left side of the airplane and system B on
the right side.
Ground Servicing System
The ground servicing system fills all hydraulic reservoirs from
one central location.
Auxiliary Hydraulic Systems
The auxiliary hydraulic systems are the standby hydraulic
system and the power transfer unit (PTU) system.
The standby hydraulic system is a demand system that supplies
reserve hydraulic power to these components:
* Rudder
* Leading edge flaps and slats
* Both thrust reversers.
The hydraulic power transfer unit (PTU) system is an alternate
source of hydraulic power for the leading edge flaps and slats
and autoslat system.
Hydraulic Indicating Systems
These are the indicating systems:
* Hydraulic fluid quantity
* Hydraulic pressure
* Hydraulic pump low pressure warning

* Hydraulic fluid overheat warning.

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