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Distance calculator:DME

distance calculator DME:

Calculate the distance a device that uses DME to see after the plane of the wireless beacon guides point where they are using the law of the distance equals speed multiplied by time, where speed is the speed of transmission of the signal, a constant speed (the speed of light) and the time required for the transmission of the signal from the transmitter point to the plane.

DME is used for navigation and calculate distances between points waypoints air passages as it is used in airports for the purpose of take-off and landing of the account after the plane from the runway.
Reference should be that this device read distance straight over the matter slant distance rather than the distance ground distance over ground and this is one disadvantage of this device, starting disadvantage when the plane approached for a distance of less than 20 miles from the device, and the error value to be reading a maximum above the device the same,  the closer plane of the wireless leader points instead of reading the remaining distance reading higher plane above the same point does not read zero. He is also the greater the height of the aircraft increased the value of the error in the reading.

In modern aircraft, has been the introduction of the coordinates of these devices in Ntam GPS navigation and has been eliminated from this error once and for all, whatever the height of the plane or approached a point of presence DME, the device distance is calculated between the coordinates of the location of the plane and the device itself, not over looking away.

This device does not exist solely in the habit, but will have facilities for routers nav beacon as an example of a guide device trends VOR or ILS landing gear knowing the distance alone is not enough, you must know the direction of the presence of DME from the plane location also


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